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Twin Flame Consciousness


Evolutionary Astrology by Nicole

Evolutionary Astrology by Nicole

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Remote Healing by Nicole

Remote Healing by Nicole

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Meridian Energetics Inner Child Sessions

Meridian Energetics Inner Child Sessions

Multidimensional Flower Essences

Multidimensional Flower Essences

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some frequently asked questions

Evolutionary astrology by Nicole

Evolutionary Astrology works with the nodes of the moon. The nodes of the moon act as a guiding post to indicate what the soul has come into this life with.  It indicates past lives or multidimensional timelines.  It will also give the medicine, or the way forward. In other words when a person asks what is my souls purpose  then it is possible to give them an overall theme that they must work towards to fulfill those needs leading to a pathway of higher evolution and deeper meaning to life and the soul consciousness.

How can an evolutionary reading assist you?

  • acknowledgment and acceptance of oneself
  • understanding family templates & patterns
  • healing the soul trauma
  • assistance with vocation
  • determining relationship status
  • timing of certain events

What is the information Nicole needs to offer you an evolutionary session?

We need your birth day, month, year, city and country location, & time of birth.  If you do not have your time a birth then we would ask that you consider a chart rectification.

Do I offer individual evolutionary chart sessions?

I do offer individual evolutionary chart sessions. I prefer to spend time writing the details up in an email. I do not use computer generated programs to give me information. I literally sit with the chart and merge my energy with who you are and the planets you came with at the time of birth.   I usually ask my clients to send questions they need assistance with.

Do I offer couples synastry?

Yes I can do a couple’s or twin flame/soul mate chart.  This takes quite a bit of time but I need the information for both people. I look at the charts individually and then I overlay each one to look at how the synastry.  This is a good way of confirming that what you think or feel about the other person is indeed truth.  This also is an opportunity in a lot of cases of understanding psychologically how your partner is feeling as well.

What is an astrological flower essence?

A multidimensional flower essence is created based on your chart.  I review the whole chart and create a frequency that can help you move faster on your spiritual path.  If you want to try one then we ask that you send us an email and make a request for 3 things you want to change in your life and that you are personally working on.

If you want to try our Triad Pack (3) then you can still make a request but it will be based on your evolutionary chart.  This is done by working on south node, along with your request, and north node way forward.

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