Western Union is available by wire transfer ONLY. Please no money orders from Western Union. Please make sure your wire transfer is to: Nicole Hibbs, 186 Graham Street, West Lorne, Ontario, Canada, N0L 2P0
Money Orders are accepted in US Funds. Please make sure they are cashable in Canada. Please make them out to Nicole Hibbs, 186 Graham Street, West Lorne, Ontario, Canada, N0L 2P0. When we receive them there is a 14 day waiting as they process at the bank.
US checks and Certified bank drafts are accepted. Please make them out to Nicole Hibbs, 186 Graham Street, West Lorne, Ontario, Canada, N0L 2P0 . When we receive them there is a 14 day waiting as they process at the bank.
PayPal is available but we add a 5% fee to the price. So for example a reading is $90. There will be $4.50 added to the price totaling $94.50 US. Please go to our cart and process the order the way you regularly would so we can get your details and press method of payment as ” PICK UP” That way we will know you are asking for the PayPal option. We will then send you a PayPal invoice to pay.