Our Twin Flame Journey
How does one describe an incredible odyssey of a “CONNECTION WITH SELF BUT ALSO WITH ANOTHER”? That is the magic of a twin flame union.
Our coming together was like a wave on the magical mystical tour without the use of drugs or alcohol. It was the perpetual experience of a non-linear state of consciousness with endless dream time and cosmic download. Yippee who wants in on this ride…YIKES! Guess your wondering what that’s all about. As we go along on the adventure we will attempt to give you 3 points of view, Our view, Nicole’s view, Mel’s view. Why you ask? Good question. The WE is about our life so you get to know more about us. The Nicole & Mel views are separate so that you get to honestly see how a female experiences it, which in some cases is different than what a male does!
So lets continue shall we? From our experience most twin flame couples seem to have an awesome “romantic connection” in the beginning as the energies meld together. But when they try and formulate it into a live in relationship and treat it such as that most tend to fall apart for many reasons. The reason it seemed to work for us is that we actually had skills and abilities that we put to immediate use.
We came together in the fall of 1996 called our business Eagle Heart & Spirit and all excited to begin our new life together. We taught workshops on channeling and introduction to energy healing at a little farmhouse in Schomberg, Ontario. Everyone to our surprise was delighted and impressed with the work we taught, the wholesome meals we cooked and the fun we use to have. Our daily endeavors never seemed to disappoint us as we met so many intriguing and interesting people that either challenged or expanded our awareness on the avenues of spiritual growth.
The Birth of our Gold Ray Child
Jeremy was born in 1998. We knew we had created a gold ray child as clairvoyants had told us that an etheric birth cord had been created months in advance attached to both of us even before the physical conception had taken place. From the time he was born we scanned his chakra system and spinal cord where we discovered a fully active kundalini expressing itself. Well 12 years of parenting a gold ray child (not an indigo child) has been trying and rewarding for both of us. We are sure to share further experiences with those expecting twin flame children in the near future.
Introduction of Vibrational Medicine
While taking care of Jeremy in Sudbury, Ontario we continued to do readings and evolve our Meridian Energetics® healing technique. At the same time we decided to sell flower remedies, super foods, herbs and energy field supplements that greatly enhanced our mind, body & spirit. It was magnificent to feel radiant health. The benefits of stamina, endurance, focus & clarity within our physical, mental, emotional bodies and connection to higher self became standard essentials in our daily lives.
Moving to the New Portal-West Lorne- Eagle
By 2008 we moved to a town called West Lorne, about 25 minutes south of London, Ontario. During that time we had met another healer/clairvoyant by the name of Steve Crouse. His eyes lit up when he met us. He proceeded to tell us that we had an energy field like no other. That our chakras had connected to one another and he saw a spiral of energy that merged us together. He said “I heard about your kind from the Creator! I was told what it would look like and that you would be called “Twin Flames”. We were shocked as we had never been told this before after being together for 12 years.
Meridian Energetics® HealingTechnique
Well could life get any better or worse? In 2008 the recession was beginning while we continued to remodel our new house for Bed & Breakfast Retreat guests. Our Registered Trademark for Meridian Energetics® had also arrived. That was a relief as it was so much paperwork and there are no guarantees your entitled to it. Now we had pretty much lost all of our clients by the 8 hour move, mail orders had plunged to their lowest, and with failed advertising in the southwestern area of Ontario for retreat packages and getting new students to teach the Meridian Energetics Technique due to the recession; what were we going to do?
Expansion of Twin Flame Consciousness
When we began our relationship 22 years ago and we had launched our first website, we were not advertising our twin flame relationship as we were still trying to let the whole thing unfold. We have found that there were no twin flames advertising on the internet. For that matter you could not find a speck of information other than the life work of “Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet” whom were twin flames and available in the written book format.
Well over the past 2 years twin flame sites have been popping up like PCs. But where’s the real MAC? To be honest most sites are trying to give information, counsel, advice even psychic readings on Twin Flames who absolutely do not have the knowledge or life experience and in some cases are wrongly advising those who are new to this type of relationship and damaging their chances of becoming successful at it!
This is a time where love is required at its highest level and so many are now called to commit to the mission of joining their soul mates or twin flames for higher purposes.
“So this is why we are here to share our story & radio shows with you!”
Blessings Love & Abundance,
Nicole & Mel