Twin Flames Separation & Emotional Pain Written by Mel Brand I have always had great interest in the general awakening in the general population of the heart centre chakra. It has been by any standards an exciting evolutionary spiritual event that is now taking place across our planet. I think by now, most people have a basic understanding that we are evolving from the emotional experience of love, relationship, and sexuality to a spiritual experience of love relationship and sexuality. All of which entails gigantic changes in our way of thinking, our personalities, our lifestyles and even down to dietary intake. In the beginning we were very much aware of the symptoms of the awakening heart, especially the physical symptoms. In the beginning. It also came into our awareness of the changes in our belief systems, personality, chakra system, and of course the awakening of kundalini energy within our physical bodies. As we transitioned from an emotional experience of love and relationship. We noticed as a symptoms for a great many of us that we began to express feelings, fears, any kind of emotional content from a higher's perspective. Meaning that we started to express a lot of these feelings and emotions. If you will from the heart centre chakra as opposed to the solar plexus chakra. After this particular process was completed, we began to come up with and create within our own consciousness. A new concept or a waking concept of love, relationship, and sexuality, that began to draw towards us new situations of connections with other people. That would have fallen under the most popular titles of soul to soul connection's, Twin Flame, twin Rays, soulmates. It is during these types of connections that we experienced now expressing from heart centre chakra higher frequencies of love as we liken to call them unconditional love, spiritual love, bliss, or even bubble love that some like to call it. It comes as no great surprise that many started to discover that the sole purpose of the heart centre awakening, which is the most major evolutionary event to take place on this planet in thousands of years to accomplish something very important. And that is to evolve us into spiritual beings functioning in new created relationships not being made manifest from the old belief systems, doctrines and templating that we have been downloaded with for millennia. During this time of trial and error as we make this transition from the emotional experience of love to the spiritual experience of love. We have, of course, our trials and tribulations, where many of these connections that we make. While initially in the beginning are very personal, profound, explosive, exciting, titillating. Experiencing this from the opposite end of the connection which doesn't work falls apart, or simply ceases can be one of the most painful experiences that an evolving spiritual person can feel What I have found with a great many having this difficulty they are asking the question, why am I feeling so much pain in my heart centre. Why can I not stop thinking about this particular individual. Why is my life totally affected by the inability to get this individual out of my mind. The reason for this is very simple to explain as we are going through this learning curve of a new template of relationships. We are still going through the releasing or letting go of the old belief systems and inevitably what is happening, is we are returning to our old programming of expectations that what may have happened, you would've liked it had happened, you wanted to happen, or you planned to have happened. This then is what creates the problem because we are in a new paradigm of a new type of relationship giving birth to a self. The old programming gets in the way and like many who don't know what the future can hold for a new type, a new kind of relationship we naturally fall back into the old programming and this is what creates the pain, the more we visualize the more we see, the more we feel the more we think about what might have been. The more the process which has been set up as automatic to the heart centre chakra draws up all of the emotional content that the person has been visualizing seeing if you will, and create said as an energetic expression that manifests as pain in the heart centre chakra that can in some cases go on for weeks, months, and from my experience. I have actually seen it go on for several years with individuals who don't understand what's going on. And to my surprise, I'm finding some people who are well along in the evolutionary pathway and have had active kundalini for years and a fully awakened heart centre for an extended period of time still do not understand this basic simple premise and process that is being activated within the heart centre chakra. So what does one do about it. Actually, there are several things that one can do. First of all, one must become aware of what they're not doing and that is become aware that they have fallen back into that old process of continually habitually and I say habitually several times thinking, which is in actual fact, visualization, or seeing events and circumstances that they would like to have seen happen in regards to this connection, and most of it is in the terms of a relationship in the old traditional form that they've experienced in the past. They must check this habit when they see it coming, and this will take some effort on the part of some who really lack any form of self discipline within themselves. Also, the second thing that I would suggest is one must begin to learn to have a relationship with himself/herself a relationship with himself/herself simply means being comfortable with just being you, who you are what you are becoming and focus yourself on becoming independent, as it were independent in the sense that you feel comfortable being just with you. And how does one accomplish that, one can accomplish that by simply focusing your attention to the pain that you may be having in the heart centre chakra in regards to the separation, and see a visualization of yourself in the heart centre chakra standing, perhaps smiling, perhaps doing something that you really like to do. Perhaps doing something you really like to be creative at. This over a period of time will begin to change the frequency in the heart centre chakra. It will begin to lessen the emotional content that you have drawn up from your habitual seeing or visualization of this other person. Now it will depend totally on you as an individual as to how long that will take. Most of you are well aware of how long it takes you to accomplish a task or to get things done. As a general rule, if you are aware of that length of time, then it shouldn't take you much longer than that length of time to accomplish eliminating the pain of the separation from your soul to soul connection or your Twin Flame connection relatively quickly. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. You have you have been gifted with this magnificent mechanism in the centre of your chest called a heart centre chakra which is your direct connection to an unending supply of source creative energy that can and will supply you with all of the needs that you require, at a soul level to assist you in your growth. All you need to understand is you need to change your habits of how you view and see things and how you visualize things and when you correct that all of the potentials of a truly evolving spiritual being that can manifest with a truly balanced, masculine and feminine energy field, then you can attract to yourself in equal vibrational energy field to yourself which can complete your spiritual sojourn. Mel Brand- Gold Ray Twin Flames Copyright April 2018